Pre­sta­ti­ons haute­ment qua­li­fiées de détec­tion, dia­gno­stic, trai­te­ment et pré­ven­ti­on des mala­dies gastri­ques, inte­sti­na­les, pan­cré­as et hépa­ti­ques.

Pro­tec­tion des données


With this Data Pro­tec­tion State­ment we, the Bauch Medizin Bien­ne (her­ein­af­ter, we or us), descri­be how we coll­ect and fur­ther pro­cess per­so­nal data. This Data Pro­tec­tion State­ment is not neces­s­a­ri­ly a com­pre­hen­si­ve descrip­ti­on of our data processing.

The term "per­so­nal data" in this Data Pro­tec­tion State­ment to shall mean any infor­ma­ti­on that iden­ti­fi­es, or could rea­son­ab­ly be used to iden­ti­fy any person.

If you pro­vi­de us with per­so­nal data of other per­sons (such as fami­ly mem­bers, work col­le­agues), plea­se make sure the respec­ti­ve per­sons are awa­re of this Data Pro­tec­tion State­ment and only pro­vi­de us with their data if you are allo­wed to do so and such per­so­nal data is correct.

1. Con­trol­ler / Data Pro­tec­tion Offi­cer / Representative

Bauch Medizin Bien­ne is respon­si­ble for the data pro­ces­sing descri­bed here. If you have any data pro­tec­tion con­cerns, plea­se send them to the fol­lo­wing cont­act address:

Bauch Medizin Bienne
Gastro­en­te­ro­lo­gy practice
Bahn­hofstras­se 14
CH 2502 Biel-Bienne
T +41 32 322 19 88

2. Coll­ec­tion and Pro­ces­sing of Per­so­nal Data

We pri­ma­ri­ly pro­cess per­so­nal data that we obtain from our cli­ents and other busi­ness part­ners as well as other indi­vi­du­als in the con­text of our busi­ness rela­ti­on­ships with them or that we coll­ect from users when ope­ra­ting our web­sites, apps and other applications.

Inso­far as it is per­mit­ted to us, we obtain cer­tain per­so­nal data from publicly acces­si­ble sources (e.g., debt regi­sters, land regi­stries, com­mer­cial regi­sters, press, inter­net) or we may recei­ve such infor­ma­ti­on from affi­lia­ted com­pa­nies, from aut­ho­ri­ties or other third par­ties. Apart from data you pro­vi­ded to us direct­ly, the cate­go­ries of data we recei­ve about you from third par­ties include, but are not limi­t­ed to, infor­ma­ti­on from public regi­sters, data recei­ved in con­nec­tion with admi­ni­stra­ti­ve or court pro­ce­e­dings, infor­ma­ti­on in con­nec­tion with your pro­fes­sio­nal role and acti­vi­ties (e.g., in order to con­clude and car­ry out con­tracts with your employer), infor­ma­ti­on about you in cor­re­spon­dence and dis­cus­sions with third par­ties, cre­dit rating infor­ma­ti­on (if we con­duct busi­ness acti­vi­ties with you per­so­nal­ly), infor­ma­ti­on about you given to us by indi­vi­du­als asso­cia­ted with you (fami­ly, con­sul­tants, legal repre­sen­ta­ti­ves, etc.) in order to con­clude or pro­cess con­tracts with you or with your invol­vement (e.g. refe­ren­ces, your deli­very-address, powers of att­or­ney), infor­ma­ti­on regar­ding legal regu­la­ti­ons such as anti-money laun­de­ring and export rest­ric­tions, bank details, infor­ma­ti­on regar­ding insu­ran­ces, our dis­tri­bu­tors and other busi­ness part­ners for the pur­po­se of orde­ring or deli­ve­ring ser­vices to you or by you (e.g., payments made, pre­vious purcha­ses), infor­ma­ti­on about you found in the media or inter­net (inso­far as indi­ca­ted in the spe­ci­fic case, e.g. in con­nec­tion with job appli­ca­ti­ons, media reviews, marketing/sales, etc.), your address and any inte­rests and other socio-demo­gra­phic data (for mar­ke­ting pur­po­ses), data in con­nec­tion with your use of our web­sites (e.g., IP address, MAC address of your smart­phone or com­pu­ters, infor­ma­ti­on regar­ding your device and set­tings, coo­kies, date and time of your visit, sites and con­tent retrie­ved, appli­ca­ti­ons used, refer­ring web­site, loca­lizati­on data).

3. Pur­po­se of Data Pro­ces­sing and Legal Grounds

We pri­ma­ri­ly use coll­ec­ted data in order to con­clude and pro­cess con­tracts with our cli­ents and busi­ness part­ners, in par­ti­cu­lar in con­nec­tion with [CORE BUSI­NESS ACTI­VI­TY] to our cli­ents and the pro­cu­re­ment of pro­ducts and ser­vices from our sup­pliers and sub­con­trac­tors, as well as in order to com­ply with our dome­stic and for­eign legal obli­ga­ti­ons. You may be affec­ted by our data pro­ces­sing in your capa­ci­ty as an employee of such a cli­ent or busi­ness partner.

In addi­ti­on, in line with appli­ca­ble law and whe­re appro­pria­te, we may pro­cess your per­so­nal data and per­so­nal data of third par­ties for the fol­lo­wing pur­po­ses, which are in our (or, as the case may be, any third par­ties') legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest, such as:

  • pro­vi­ding and deve­lo­ping our pro­ducts, ser­vices and web­sites, apps and other plat­forms, on which we are active;
  • com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on with third par­ties and pro­ces­sing of their requests (e.g., job appli­ca­ti­ons, media inquiries);
  • review and opti­mizati­on of pro­ce­du­res regar­ding needs assess­ment for the pur­po­se of direct cus­to­mer approach as well as obtai­ning per­so­nal data from publicly acces­si­ble sources for cus­to­mer acquisition;
  • adver­ti­se­ment and mar­ke­ting (inclu­ding orga­ni­zing events), pro­vi­ded that you have not objec­ted to the use of your data for this pur­po­se (if you are part of our cus­to­mer base and you recei­ve our adver­ti­se­ment, you may object at any time and we will place you on a black­list against fur­ther adver­ti­sing mailings);
  • mar­ket and opi­ni­on rese­arch, media surveillance;
  • asser­ting legal claims and defen­se in legal dis­pu­tes and offi­ci­al proceedings;
  • pre­ven­ti­on and inve­sti­ga­ti­on of cri­mi­nal offen­ces and other mis­con­duct (e.g. con­duc­ting inter­nal inve­sti­ga­ti­ons, data ana­ly­sis to com­bat fraud);
  • ensu­ring our ope­ra­ti­on, inclu­ding our IT, our web­sites, apps and other appliances;
  • video sur­veil­lan­ce to pro­tect our domic­i­lia­ry rights and other mea­su­res to ensu­re the safe­ty of our pre­mi­ses and faci­li­ties as well as pro­tec­tion of our employees and other indi­vi­du­als and assets owner by or ent­ru­sted to us (such as e.g. access con­trols, visi­tor logs, net­work and mail scan­ners, tele­pho­ne recordings);
  • acqui­si­ti­on and sale of busi­ness divi­si­ons, com­pa­nies or parts of com­pa­nies and other cor­po­ra­te tran­sac­tions and the trans­fer of per­so­nal data rela­ted the­re­to as well as mea­su­res for busi­ness manage­ment and com­pli­ance with legal and regu­la­to­ry obli­ga­ti­ons as well as inter­nal regu­la­ti­ons of Bauch Medizin Bienne.

If you have given us your con­sent to pro­cess your per­so­nal data for cer­tain pur­po­ses (for exam­p­le when regi­stering to recei­ve news­let­ters or car­ry­ing out a back­ground check), we will pro­cess your per­so­nal data within the scope of and based on this con­sent, unless we have ano­ther legal basis, pro­vi­ded that we requi­re one. Con­sent given can be with­drawn at any time, but this does not affect data pro­ces­sed pri­or to withdrawal.

4. Coo­kies / Track­ing and Other Tech­ni­ques Regar­ding the Use of our Website

We typi­cal­ly use "coo­kies" and simi­lar tech­ni­ques on our web­sites [and apps], which allow for an iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of your brow­ser or device. A coo­kie is a small text file that is sent to your com­pu­ter and auto­ma­ti­cal­ly saved by the web brow­ser on your com­pu­ter or mobi­le device, when you visit our web­site [or install our app]. If you revi­sit our web­site [or use our app], we may reco­gni­ze you, even if we do not know your iden­ti­ty. Bes­i­des coo­kies that are only used during a ses­si­on and dele­ted after your visit of the web­site ("ses­si­on coo­kies"), we may use coo­kies in order to save user con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons and other infor­ma­ti­on for a cer­tain time peri­od (e.g., two years) ("per­ma­nent coo­kies"). Not­wi­th­stan­ding the fore­go­ing, you may con­fi­gu­re your brow­ser set­tings in a way that it rejects coo­kies, only saves tem for one ses­si­on or dele­tes them pre­ma­tu­re­ly. Most brow­sers are pre­set to accept coo­kies. We use per­ma­nent coo­kies [for the pur­po­se of saving user con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on (e.g., lan­guage, auto­ma­ted log in),][in order to under­stand how you use our ser­vices and content,][and][to enable to show you cus­to­mi­zed offers and adver­ti­se­ment (which may also hap­pen on web­sites of other com­pa­nies; should your iden­ti­ty be known to us, such com­pa­nies will not learn your iden­ti­ty from us; they will only know that the same user is visi­ting their web­site has pre­vious­ly visi­ted a cer­tain web­site)]. [Cer­tain coo­kies are sent to you from us, others from busi­ness part­ners with which we col­la­bo­ra­te.] If you block coo­kies, it is pos­si­ble that cer­tain func­tions (such as, e.g., lan­guage set­tings, shop­ping bas­ket, orde­ring pro­ces­ses) are no lon­ger available to you.

By using our web­sites and con­sen­ting to the rece­ipt of news­let­ters and other mar­ke­ting e-mails you agree to our use of such tech­ni­ques. If you object, you must con­fi­gu­re your brow­ser or e-mail pro­gram accordingly.

We may use Goog­le Ana­ly­tics or simi­lar ser­vices on our web­site. The­se are ser­vices pro­vi­ded by third par­ties, which may be loca­ted in any coun­try world­wi­de (in the case of Goog­le Ana­ly­tics Goog­le Ire­land Ltd. (loca­ted in Ire­land), Goog­le Ire­land reli­es on Goog­le LLC (loca­ted in the United Sta­tes) as its sub-pro­ces­sor (both «Goog­le»), and which allow us to mea­su­re and eva­lua­te the use of our web­site (on an anony­mi­zed basis). For this pur­po­se, per­ma­nent coo­kies are used, which are set by the ser­vice pro­vi­der. We have con­fi­gu­red the ser­vice so that the IP addres­ses of visi­tors are trun­ca­ted by Goog­le in Euro­pe befo­re for­war­ding them to the United Sta­tes and then can­not be tra­ced back. We have tur­ned off the «Data sha­ring» opti­on and the «Signals» opti­on. Alt­hough we can assu­me that the infor­ma­ti­on we share with Goog­le is not per­so­nal data for Goog­le, it may be pos­si­ble that Goog­le may be able to draw con­clu­si­ons about the iden­ti­ty of visi­tors based on the data coll­ec­ted, crea­te per­so­nal pro­files and link this data with the Goog­le accounts of the­se indi­vi­du­als for its own pur­po­ses. If you have regi­stered with the ser­vice pro­vi­der, the ser­vice pro­vi­der will also know your iden­ti­ty. In this case, the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data by the ser­vice pro­vi­der will be con­duc­ted in accordance with its data pro­tec­tion regu­la­ti­ons. The ser­vice pro­vi­der only pro­vi­des us with data on the use of the respec­ti­ve web­site (but not any per­so­nal infor­ma­ti­on of you).

5. Data­trans­fer and Trans­fer of Data Abroad

In the con­text of our busi­ness acti­vi­ties and in line with the pur­po­ses of the data pro­ces­sing set out in Sec­tion 3, we may trans­fer data to third par­ties, inso­far as such a trans­fer is per­mit­ted and we deem it appro­pria­te, in order for them to pro­cess data for us or, as the case may be, their own pur­po­ses. In par­ti­cu­lar, the fol­lo­wing cate­go­ries of reci­pi­en­ts may be concerned:

  • our ser­vice pro­vi­ders, inclu­ding pro­ces­sors (such as e.g. IT providers);
  • dea­lers, sup­pliers, sub­con­trac­tors and other busi­ness partners;
  • dome­stic and for­eign aut­ho­ri­ties or courts;
  • the media;
  • the public, inclu­ding users of our web­sites and social media;
  • com­pe­ti­tors, indu­stry orga­nizati­ons, asso­cia­ti­ons, orga­nizati­ons and other bodies;
  • acqui­rers or par­ties inte­re­sted in the acqui­si­ti­on of busi­ness divi­si­ons, com­pa­nies or other parts of Bauch Medizin Bienne;
  • other par­ties in pos­si­ble or pen­ding legal proceedings;
  • affi­lia­tes of Bauch Medizin Bienne;
    tog­e­ther Recipients.

Cer­tain Reci­pi­en­ts may be within Switz­er­land but they may be loca­ted in any coun­try world­wi­de. In par­ti­cu­lar, you must anti­ci­pa­te your data to be trans­mit­ted to any coun­try in Euro­pe and the USA whe­re our ser­vice pro­vi­ders are located.

If a reci­pi­ent is loca­ted in a coun­try wit­hout ade­qua­te sta­tu­to­ry data pro­tec­tion, we requi­re the reci­pi­ent to under­ta­ke to com­ply with data pro­tec­tion (for this pur­po­se, we use the revi­sed Euro­pean Commission’s stan­dard con­trac­tu­al clau­ses, which can be acces­sed here:, unless the reci­pi­ent is sub­ject to a legal­ly accept­ed set of rules to ensu­re data pro­tec­tion and unless we can­not rely on an excep­ti­on. An excep­ti­on may app­ly for exam­p­le in case of legal pro­ce­e­dings abroad, but also in cases of over­ri­ding public inte­rest or if the per­for­mance of a con­tract requi­res dis­clo­sure, if you have con­sen­ted or if data has been made available gene­ral­ly by you and you have not objec­ted against the processing.

6. Reten­ti­on Peri­ods for your Per­so­nal Data

We pro­cess and retain your per­so­nal data as long as requi­red for the per­for­mance of our con­trac­tu­al obli­ga­ti­on and com­pli­ance with legal obli­ga­ti­ons or other pur­po­ses pur­sued with the pro­ces­sing, i.e. for the dura­ti­on of the enti­re busi­ness rela­ti­on­ship (from the initia­ti­on, during the per­for­mance of the con­tract until it is ter­mi­na­ted) as well as bey­ond this dura­ti­on in accordance with legal reten­ti­on and docu­men­ta­ti­on obli­ga­ti­ons. Per­so­nal data may be retai­ned for the peri­od during which claims can be asser­ted against our com­pa­ny or inso­far as we are other­wi­se legal­ly obli­ged to do so or if legi­ti­ma­te busi­ness inte­rests requi­re fur­ther reten­ti­on (e.g., for evi­dence and docu­men­ta­ti­on pur­po­ses). As soon as your per­so­nal data are no lon­ger requi­red for the abo­ve-men­tio­ned pur­po­ses, they will be dele­ted or anony­mi­zed, to the ext­ent pos­si­ble. In gene­ral, shorter reten­ti­on peri­ods of no more than twel­ve months app­ly for ope­ra­tio­nal data (e.g., system logs).

7. Data Security

We have taken appro­pria­te tech­ni­cal and orga­nizatio­nal secu­ri­ty mea­su­res to pro­tect your per­so­nal data from unaut­ho­ri­zed access and misu­se such as inter­nal poli­ci­es, trai­ning, IT and net­work secu­ri­ty solu­ti­ons, access con­trols and rest­ric­tions, encryp­ti­on of data car­ri­ers and trans­mis­si­ons, inspections.

8. Obli­ga­ti­on to Pro­vi­de Per­so­nal Data To Us

In the con­text of our busi­ness rela­ti­on­ship you must pro­vi­de us with any per­so­nal data that is neces­sa­ry for the con­clu­si­on and per­for­mance of a busi­ness rela­ti­on­ship and the per­for­mance of our con­trac­tu­al obli­ga­ti­ons (as a rule, the­re is no sta­tu­to­ry requi­re­ment to pro­vi­de us with data). Wit­hout this infor­ma­ti­on, we will usual­ly not be able to enter into or car­ry out a con­tract with you (or the enti­ty or per­son you repre­sent). In addi­ti­on, the web­site can­not be used unless cer­tain infor­ma­ti­on is dis­c­lo­sed to enable data traf­fic (e.g. IP address).

9. Pro­fil­ing

We may par­ti­al­ly pro­cess your per­so­nal data auto­ma­ti­cal­ly with the aim of eva­lua­ting cer­tain per­so­nal aspects (pro­fil­ing). In par­ti­cu­lar, pro­fil­ing allo­ws us to inform and advi­se you about pro­ducts pos­si­bly rele­vant for you more accu­ra­te­ly. For this pur­po­se, we may use eva­lua­ti­on tools that enable us to com­mu­ni­ca­te with you and adver­ti­se you as requi­red, inclu­ding mar­ket and opi­ni­on research.

10. Your Rights

In accordance with and as far as pro­vi­ded by appli­ca­ble law (as is the case whe­re the GDPR is appli­ca­ble), you have the right to access, rec­ti­fi­ca­ti­on and era­su­re of your per­so­nal data, the right to rest­ric­tion of pro­ces­sing or to object to our data pro­ces­sing, in par­ti­cu­lar for direct mar­ke­ting pur­po­ses, for pro­fil­ing car­ri­ed out for direct mar­ke­ting pur­po­ses and for other legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests in pro­ces­sing in addi­ti­on to right to recei­ve cer­tain per­so­nal data for trans­fer to ano­ther con­trol­ler (data por­ta­bi­li­ty). Plea­se note, howe­ver, that we reser­ve the right to enforce sta­tu­to­ry rest­ric­tions on our part, for exam­p­le if we are obli­ged to retain or pro­cess cer­tain data, have an over­ri­ding inte­rest (inso­far as we may invo­ke such inte­rests) or need the data for asser­ting claims. If exer­cis­ing cer­tain rights will incur costs on you, we will noti­fy you the­reof in advan­ce. We have alre­a­dy infor­med you of the pos­si­bi­li­ty to with­draw con­sent in Sec­tion 3 abo­ve. Plea­se fur­ther note that the exer­cise of the­se rights may be in con­flict with your con­trac­tu­al obli­ga­ti­ons and this may result in con­se­quen­ces such as pre­ma­tu­re con­tract ter­mi­na­ti­on or invol­ve costs. If this is the case, we will inform you in advan­ce unless it has alre­a­dy been con­trac­tual­ly agreed upon.

In gene­ral, exer­cis­ing the­se rights requi­res that you are able to pro­ve your iden­ti­ty (e.g., by a copy of iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on docu­ments whe­re your iden­ti­ty is not evi­dent other­wi­se or can be veri­fi­ed in ano­ther way). In order to assert the­se rights, plea­se cont­act us at the addres­ses pro­vi­ded in Sec­tion 1 above.

In addi­ti­on, every data sub­ject has the right to enforce his/her rights in court or to lodge a com­plaint with the com­pe­tent data pro­tec­tion aut­ho­ri­ty. The com­pe­tent data pro­tec­tion aut­ho­ri­ty of Switz­er­land is the Fede­ral Data Pro­tec­tion and Infor­ma­ti­on Com­mis­sio­ner (

11. Amend­ments of this Data Pro­tec­tion Statement

We may amend this Data Pro­tec­tion State­ment at any time wit­hout pri­or noti­ce. The cur­rent ver­si­on published on our web­site shall app­ly. If the Data Pro­tec­tion State­ment is part of an agree­ment with you, we will noti­fy you by e-mail or other appro­pria­te means in case of an amendment.

This pri­va­cy poli­cy was crea­ted on the basis of